City Government

Form of Government

The City of Lindsborg has a Mayor-Council form of government. Under this form of government, the Lindsborg City Council is the legislative body responsible for setting City policy and adopting the City budget.


The Mayor is elected at large for a term of two years, has the superintending control of all city officers and affairs, and presides at all meetings of the governing body.


Eight City Council members are elected by ward for four-year staffed terms. Elections are held in odd-numbered years, with four Council members elected in one cycle and four elected in the alternate cycle. Council members must be electors of the City and must have been residents of the City for the year preceding the election.

Every year, the eight City Council members select a Council President who presides over all meeting of the Council in the absence of the Mayor.

City Administrator

The Mayor appoints, by and with the consent of the Council a City Administrator, who is the chief administrative officer of the city and is responsible to the Mayor and Council for administration of City affairs.

The City Administrator is responsible for policy implementation and management of all city operations. The City Administrator advises and makes recommendations to the City Council concerning any conditions or situations which require Council direction or policy determination and prepares the recommended budget for consideration and approval by the City Council.

Contact Information
City Hall
101 S Main
Lindsborg, KS   67456
(785) 227-3355
(785) 227-4128 FAX