KDOT project approved for Lindsborg

On Thursday, March 7, Governor Laura Kelly announced the latest projects that would be included in the next phase of the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE Program). Among the modernization projects selected was the K-4 at Bethany Drive realignment that leads into Lindsborg from the northwest. Due to continued deterioration of the bridge, the cost of upkeep/repair, and it no longer serving a purposeful function since the railroad abandoned the area, the project would remove the bridge and provide a new entrance into Lindsborg from K-4 highway. This announcement places this project in KDOT’s development pipeline along with numerous other projects occurring around the state. A select number of projects move into the construction pipeline in future phases; it’s unclear at this time when this project would move to that stage.

This is a KDOT project, estimated at $8 million, with all funding and construction-related activities going through the state. There will be no Lindsborg resident-specific taxes needed to fund this project. Lindsborg city staff will assist in logistical support roles as needed, as well as acting as a facilitator in getting important information out to Lindsborg residents. However, most information regarding the status of the project will come directly from KDOT.

The City recognizes that the bridge holds special meaning for many people in our community. And while change sometimes isn’t easy, the results of this project do provide many benefits to the city and its residents.

  • Development potential: Some acreage to the east of K-4 could potentially be developed and provide economic opportunities that benefit Lindsborg.
  • Safety: Eliminates potential traffic safety hazards (inclement weather related or otherwise).
  • Accessibility: Increased access and exposure for Bethany College with roadway realignment. 
  • Vision: This project is a part of the 2018 Lindsborg Community Vision Plan, 2021-2024 Strategic Plan, and 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

The IKE Program as it is named now began in 2020. Prior to that, various KDOT infrastructure programs stood in its place. IKE is committed to helping improve and strengthen transportation needs throughout Kansas. KDOT is committed by the IKE legislation to invest at least $8 million in each county. To learn more about the program, visit ike.ksdot.gov/projects/development-pipeline-announcement-2024 or view the FAQs.

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